Applying Loads
First of all, select all floor slabs where all loads (live load, Floor Finish load, Wall load etc ) will be applied.
Go to Select - select - properties - Slab section - select slab
Now apply loads according to BNBC-2020 ( Page-3114)
Live Loads: 1 kn/m2 = 20.88 psf
Roof Live:
Other Live Load
Floor Finish Load (FF)
Use 25 psf as a FF load
Partition Wall (PW) Loads:
Red Colors are Input Value.
First Select the walls to apply loads.
Then go to Assign - Frame loads - Distributed - uniform load.
Water Tank Load
Apply Water Load on the slab of the Water tank.
Now It’s time to apply Wind Loads and Seismic Loads
When using ASCE 7-05:
Wind Load (WX)
When using Diaphragms in structure, select Diaphragms.
When using without Diaphragms and only using Frame and shell objects like in steel structures, select Shell objects.
Wind Pressure Coefficient
Use Excel to Determine the values.
Use Program Determined.
Apply Wind Speed from here.
1 m/s = 2.23694 mph
Exposure Type:
Important Factor, I
Topographic factor:
Gust Factor
Directional Factor:
In WY…. All values should be same.
Just Change the Direction from 0 to 90 degrees
UBC-94 & UBC-97 has similar value to Input
Now, the Most Important part is Applying Wind Loads according to hand calculation.
Just change UBC/ASCE to User load to apply calculated loads.
Note: Before applying loads, It is mandatory to assign Diaphragms.
Just click modify lateral load to input user loads.
Where you will get these loads?
Relax !
Just Download The Excel
Just Input the values and Boom !
If you want to calculate Wind Load according to BNBC-2006 then Download this
Now Define Seismic Loads or Earthquake Loads
For ACSE 7-05
In EX=>
Check all X direction
Consider 5% Eccentricity
Time period can be Program Calculated or User Defined.
If user defined then choose according to structure type.
Excel will be provided Don’t Worry
Factors of R, Omega, Cd, I
Choose according to your Structure Type
Determine Zone;
From this table:
Find Ss, S1 , Fa, fv according to Zone and soil type.
Soil type should be determined before by soil report.
The site Class should be F to input Fa, Fv values
In EY=>
All values should be the same except Y direction.
After applying all values, check the base shear after analysis.
The Difference between Manual and Etabs should be on range of 2-3%